Science proves Proverbs 11:25 is true

proverbs 11 25Proverbs 11:25 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

If you have not listened to Shankar Vedantam’s podcast HiddenBrain then you are missing out.  One of the episodes is on compassion and how being kind to others can make a real difference in your own life.

You may be wondering how this affects your jobcerch.  Do you think companies WANT to hire angry people?  Or how about mean people?  Have you ever seen a job posting like this…

Requirements include:
    -Being rude to people, especially receptionists. 
    -Answering the phone tersely: "what?"
    -Taking others for granted and not saying thank you.
    -Not helping others.
Pains in the ass wanted!  Apply today!

I have never seen a job posting like that and I bet you have not either.  But many people seem like that is the job they are going after.

I also do not think that many people wake up thinking “Man, I can’t wait to get out there and start spreading some unhappiness!”  Most people can’t seem to help it… or so they think. They can help it, they just need to choose to help others and it will very likely make them happier also.

So after you get that email wishing you the best in your future endeavors and you are feeling lower than a snake’s belly in wagon rut get out there and do something nice for someone.  Ideally someone you don’t know, who cannot repay your kindness.  The giving of the gift is your reward.  It is amazing how scientists spend a lot of time, effort and money confirming what many people already know.


It’s all really very simple.  You don’t have to choose between being kind to yourself and others.  It’s one and the same.
Piero Ferrucci

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