You must change how you view failure

Many people view failure as… well… failure.  You need to change the way you view failure.

Failure – fail·ure, fālyər – a lack of success

First notice that it does not say that YOU are a failure.   Secondly notice that it did NOT say your will never succeed.  You just did not succeed THIS time.  If you think it means that you are a failure then you are listening to the enemy.

You must look at failure as an opportunity to find out how and why something did not work.  What is not working in your job search?  If you are not offered a position try to figure out why.  The final answer might be elusive or it might be a combination of small things that made the company believe you would not be successful there.  Or maybe there was someone who the company felt would be a better match.  Break the job search process down to steps to identify the issues…

Not getting phone calls

It is probably your resume or you are applying for jobs you are not qualified for or you are just not getting your information in front of the right people.  Ask others to look at your resume and give them samples of the jobs you are applying for, do they match?  Is your resume easy to read?  Are you networking at the companies you are apply with?

Getting phone calls but no face to face interviews

How is your phone demeanor?  Are you following up quickly?  Are you not showing your desire for the position?  What questions are they asking?

Getting interviews but no offers

Are you arriving a little early?  Are you prepared for the interviews?  Are you asking “good” questions?  How are your non-verbal skills?  Are you dressing for success?  What questions are they asking and what are your answers?

Believe me, I know this process is frustrating.  But during the times I have been in a job search I usually know when and why I do not get calls, interviews or offers.  But to figure it out it usually takes being very honest with yourself and a good bit of self-awareness.  It also helps if you have people in your life that will be honest with you.  Few of us do.

If you are afraid of failure, you don’t deserve to be successful.
Charles Barkley

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